The Crotti and the mysterious breath of Sorel

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Is it possible to capture breath? Mysteries are all the more fascinating when they surround famous places. In Valchiavenna, the Crotti are well known, a perfect synthesis of the mountain’s strength and human skill in transforming even the most hostile environments into a home. Where, in fact, the mountain saw only stone, humans saw cellars useful for aging cured meats and cheeses.

For the valley community the crotti have become places of conviviality, yet no one has ever managed to solve the mystery of the Sorel, that gentle breath that blows in these caves and remains at constant temperature and humidity all year round. No one knows where the Sorel comes from. Some justify this particular phenomenon with atmospheric pressure, while others attribute it to the rush of icy glacier water passing through hidden mountain galleries. What is certain is that the Sorel has been passing through here for centuries, curiously listening to the secrets of us humans.

Awaken your senses

Listen to the voices of the people who gather here to eat and party, hear their laughter, the popular music and the accordion that often accompanies it.

Feel the fresh breath of Sorel on your skin, the refreshment it offers on summer days. Touch the granite tables of the crotti with your hands, the roughness of the raw wooden shelves and the humidity that has allowed the local flavours to be preserved over time.

Smell the mineral smell of the rocky walls and be tempted by the scent of the cured meats and cheeses placed here to mature.

Let yourself be conquered by the unique and unrepeatable flavour of Bresaola della Valtellina PGI, which preserves the breath of the mountains and the wisdom of generations of taste artisans.

Bresaola Bites
Aging without exaggeration

Bresaola della Valtellina PGI should be consumed young, aged from four to eight weeks. Only then it will present its typical intense red colour, a delicate aroma of spices, and a slight hint of aged meat.

Bresaola Experience Point

Discover the taste of Bresaola della Valtellina PGI with the “Destinazionebresaola” aperitif in the Bresaola Experience Point closest to you!

Moreschi, Prata Camportaccio

Via Strada Comunale VECCHIA,1 – 23020 Prata Camportaccio (SO)
T 345 07 22 457
E moreschimlsrl@gmail.com
W moreschichiavenna.it
FB Moreschi-Chiavenna-Gusto-e-Qualità
IG @moreschi_gusto_e_qualita

Crotto Belvedere, Prosto

Via Nazionale N°10 23020 Piuro (So)
T 39 0343 33589
E info@crottobelvedere.com
W www.crottobelvedere.com
F crottobelvedere

Secret Destinations Map and Bresaola Experience Points


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