A city to admire slowly

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Sondrio is the capital where the life of the citizens of this province is administered. Yet, despite being home to banks, offices, and schools, it has an ancient soul that must be rediscovered calmly. Walk along the Via dei Palazzi to discover a village where daily life still takes place at a leisurely pace, and wooden doors open onto spacious courtyards. Admire the ancient noble houses with their baroque portals, vaulted entrances, and wrought iron balconies.

Take a detour and reach the district of Fracaiolo, where once upon a time women gathered at the wash house. Imagine being able to listen to their conversations and what it must have been like, in the city squares, the comings and goings of commerce, and the chatter of people at the market, when social media didn’t exist, and meetings meant stepping out onto the streets.

Awaken your senses

Imagine the noise produced by the wheels of the carts along the pavement, the creaking of the doors, the shouting of the people at the market and the women at the wash house.

Observe the buildings and their architectural continuity like a long cord that unites the entire urban layout.

Rest your hand on the perimeter walls and feel the roughness of the stone and the smoothness of the plaster.

Olfatto Inhale the scents in the air that come from the kitchens of taverns and restaurants that seduce passersby with the flavours of a region full of surprises.

Let yourself be conquered by the unique and unrepeatable flavour of Bresaola della Valtellina PGI, which preserves the breath of the mountains and the wisdom of generations of taste artisans.

Bresaola Bites
Lactose? No, thanks

Among the ingredients that can be used to produce Bresaola della Valtellina PGI there is no lactose, due to a precise choice of the producers. In any case… always read the label carefully!

Bresaola Experience Point

Discover the taste of Bresaola della Valtellina PGI with the “Destinazionebresaola” aperitif in the Bresaola Experience Point closest to you!

Cafè Felix, Sondrio

Piazza Giuseppe Garibaldi, 19 23100 – Sondrio
T +39 0342 200397
E info@grandhoteldellaposta.eu
W grandhoteldellaposta.eu
FB /grandhoteldellaposta

Secret Destinations Map and Bresaola Experience Points


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geolocate your position.
Click to activate/deactivate the distance search.
2. (When activated) Use the slider to define the size of the search area.
3. Click on the button
to search.
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Click on the marker popup to render the route and the directions steps.
Click to toggle the directions steps widget.
Click to hide the directions steps widget.
Click to remove the currently displayed route and the directions steps widget.
Click to reverse the start point and the destination. This will update the route and the directions steps.
Click to center the map on your starting point.
Click to reset and search from scratch.