2,886 steps into the mountain towards Switzerland

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The Alps guard places where once men and women lived their lives in harmony with nature, in the silence broken by the winds and the challenges of isolated living. Today, we can immerse ourselves in that ancient time by embarking on the winding and magnificent path of 2,886 steps that lead to the village of Savogno.

Taking this walk is also an opportunity to approach the magnificent Acquafraggia waterfalls, whose 170 meters drop, even impressed Leonardo da Vinci, who mentioned them in his Atlantic Codex: “On the said river (the Mera) there are waterfalls of 400 arms which provide a beautiful view…”.

Awaken your senses

Listen to the sound of the forest, the rustle of your steps, the rhythm of your heart that marks the climb and, further away, the sound of the waterfalls, whose majestic leap reminds us of the impetuous power of nature.

Look at the enchanting panorama that opens before your eyes, but don’t lose sight of the details, such as the grey-green color of the serpentine that pave the mule track and delimits its route.

Touch with your hands the stone that follows you along the entire route and the wooden elements of the houses, once welcoming shelters in the mountains, which testify to the typical rural Alpine architecture.

Let yourself be conquered by the unique and unrepeatable flavour of Bresaola della Valtellina PGI, which preserves the breath of the mountains and the wisdom of generations of taste artisans.

Bresaola Bites
Santa Bresaola

To recognize the quality of the product, taste the natural Bresaola of Valtellina PGI without seasonings. Thus, sometimes completed with curls of juniper butter and rye bread, it is defined as ‘Santa Bresaola’.

Bresaola Experience Point

Discover the taste of Bresaola della Valtellina PGI with the “Destinazionebresaola” aperitif in the Bresaola Experience Point closest to you!

Kiosko Legnone Food&Beer, Piuro, Fraz. Borgonuovo

Via S. Abbondio 2 – 23020 Piuro (SO)
T 39 375 6304552
E info@birrificiolegnone.it
W www.birrificiolegnone.com
IG @birrificiolegnone

Secret Destinations Map and Bresaola Experience Points


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