Novate Mezzola
The small temple of San Fedelino, a jewel on the banks of the lake

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For over a thousand years, this small Romanesque temple has shown itself to the gaze of those who reach it with the solemn modesty of true wise men. The waters of the Mera River have flooded it several times, but its resilience has allowed it to resist barbarian invasions, wars, and the outrages of those who transformed it first into a fort, then into a shelter for animals, and finally into a kitchen for the stonemasons of the nearby granite quarry. The rocks have taught it to resist, and the water to be patient.

You can reach the temple by the lake or with a walk through the woods, but like all truly precious treasures, you must know how to seek it out. Inside, there are few traces left of the vibrant colours that adorned it, but the fresco of a Christ Pantocrator and the open book held in his left hand are still visible, upon which you can read …ET VITA, the concluding words of the evangelical phrase EGO SUM VIA VERITAS ET VITA.

Awaken your senses

Get close to the fresco and try to reconstruct with your imagination the missing pictorial parts. Imagine what this place was like for the faithful who baptized their children here in the Middle Ages, and how it has changed over the years until the arrival of pilgrims, who like you seek history, sacredness, and beauty here.

Can you hear the silence of the lake? His placidity is not indifference, it is listening.

lie down on the grassy mantle surrounding the temple and feel the passage of the clouds above you, whose play of shadow and light gives and takes warmth. The peace of the slow flow of the Mera envelops you.

Let yourself be conquered by the unique and unrepeatable flavour of Bresaola della Valtellina PGI, which preserves the breath of the mountains and the wisdom of generations of taste artisans.

Bresaola Bites
Lemon the wrong belief

Let’s say it once and for all: lemon juice directly on bresaola tends to oxidize it, causing a ‘cooked’ effect. So, yes you can use lemon, but only in a delicate emulsion with oil and pepper or on the accompanying vegetables.

Bresaola Experience Point

Discover the taste of Bresaola della Valtellina PGI with the “Destinazionebresaola” aperitif in the Bresaola Experience Point closest to you!

Kiosk Kwatras, Verceia

Via degli Emigranti 91, 23020 – Verceia (SO)
T 347 894 1086
F kiosk.kwatras
IG @kiosk_kwatras

Secret Destinations Map and Bresaola Experience Points


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